basic Guide
Lucky Wheel:
Players take turns spinning the virtual wheel by clicking the "Tap" button on the tool.
Claim Prizes/Perform Actions:
When the wheel stops, the player follows through offer or deals indicated on the section where the wheel landed.
Lucky spin available:
Continue playing rounds, if you have extra spins available it allows each player to take turns spinning the wheel.
Enjoy the Game:
The primary goal is to have fun and enjoy the element of luck and surprise that the lucky wheel brings to the game.

Purpose of the Project
The concept of "spin the wheel" has been incorporated into various cashback and promotional offer strategies, particularly in the context of online shopping, reward programs.
Spin-the-wheel games are designed to be engaging and interactive. By incorporating this element into cashback and offer programs,it encourage users to actively participate, leading to increased engagement with the application.

Gamification of Loyalty Programs:
Spin-the-wheel as a gamification element within their loyalty programs. Users can spin the wheel to unlock exclusive discounts, cashback rewards, or special offers based on their loyalty status or accumulated points.

Surprise and Delight:
The unpredictability of spin-the-wheel games adds an element of surprise. Users are more likely to be excited and satisfied when they receive unexpected rewards or discounts, contributing to a positive customer experience.

Seasonal and Event-Based Campaigns:
Spin-the-wheel promotions are commonly used during seasonal offers, holidays, or festive events. This tactic helps in creating a sense of urgency and encourages users to participate.

Spin the Wheel

Spin the Wheel
